making theatre histories for the future
Palindrome Productions'
Summer Season
World Premiere
A Land Without People
by Brian Rotman
9 July - 1 August
by Emma Dante and Sud Costa Occidentale
7, 8, 12 July
New solo works
Hector by Sifiso Mazibuko
24 Hours of #Ferguson by Melonie Mazibuko
26 July
Staged reading
Mom, How Did You Meet the Beatles?
by Adam P. Kennedy and Adrienne Kennedy
19 July
By Emma Dante and Sud Costa Occidentale
Presented by Wrought Atlas Theatre Ensemble
7th, 8th, 12th July
A movement play in translation: a woman dances backwards through memories to be reunited with her husband and re-live their love story.
Dancers is a shiny-new English translation of a nostalgic, heartbreaking, and excitingly fresh 45-minute play. A movement-based tour-de-force, Dancers tells the story of an elderly, sick woman who, on New Year’s Eve, pulls out of a trunk the memories of her life. As music from the 1950's and 1960's transports her to a long-lost time of youth and promise, she is reunited with her dead husband, and with him, she dances backwards their love story. Their relationship is an extremely physical, almost virtuosic journey of remembrance, culminating with the unveiling of the human (or possibly inhuman) condition of those who, in their old age, are left alone with nothing else but memories.

by Sifiso Mazibuko
Hector is inspired by Hector Pieterson’s death during the 1976 Soweto uprising where students protested and some died in response to the Afrikaans language becoming the medium of instruction in local schools in South Africa. June 16th is a national holiday to honor and commemorate Pieterson’s death. 2016 marks the 40th Anniversary of his passing.
24 Hours of #Ferguson
by Melonie Mazibuko
A woman’s attempt to grapple with issues of race, justice and police brutality (and more importantly, people’s reactions to these topics) over a period of 24 hours, and the questions and concerns that are raised as a result. The characters in this piece are real people who made actual comments online, and the text they speak is taken, verbatim, from various websites.
Sunday 26 July

Adrienne Kennedy relates her fascinating and star-studded experience of moving to London and working on The Lennon Play: In His Own Write in the 1960’s. Known for a key figure in the New York based Black Arts Movement in the 1960’s and 70’s, her surreal poetic play Funnyhouse of a Negro launched her career when she won a coveted Obie Award in 1964. Three years later her Guggenheim Fellowship sent her to London. Presented here is a staged reading of her play recounting her experience.
Debbie Korley takes the role of Adrienne with Rebecca Manson Jones as director. The performance is a rare opportunity to witness a moment of British theatre history through the eyes of an African American woman.
Mom, How Did You Meet The Beatles?
A True Story of London in the 1960’s
By Adrienne Kennedy and Adam P. Kennedy
Sunday 19 July
Staged Reading